The word petroleum derives from the Latin "petrolum", which means “stone oil”.
Being one of the most consumed energy sources in the world, petroleum is a fluid of biogenic origin.
Although recently it was still considered a sedimentary rock due to its formation from biogenic sediments, it is often studied together with sedimentary rocks.
Countless petroleum derivatives are used in our daily lives and petroleum is a flammable natural resource in which its density is lower than that of water.
​Formation and obtaining

Petroleum originates from the decomposition and transformation of organic matter, more specifically plankton, small organisms. This process occurs in aquatic and oxygen-poor environments and there is a rapid burial of organic matter by thin layers of sediments, located in sedimentary basins. Due to certain conditions of pressure and temperature, after several years, plankton and organisms are transformed into hydrocarbons:
liquids – naphtha or crude oil;
Gaseous – natural gas;
solids – bitumens/asphalts.
Substances are distributed in a certain way: on top is the least dense, in this case oil and natural gas, and below is the most dense, in this case salt water.

Oil serves as a raw material and originates numerous by-products essential to our daily lives.
Some of its derivatives are:
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG): mixture of butane and propane, used as fuel, for example, in heaters and kitchens;
Gasoline: used as fuel in motor vehicles;
Kerosene: used as fuel for airplanes, jets, and formerly, for public lighting;
Diesel or diesel: used as fuel mainly in commercial vehicles, such as trucks;
Lubricants: used to lubricate machines, engines and devices;
Plastics: produced from chemical products derived from petroleum and are used, for example, in packaging.

Founded on September 14th, 1960, it is an intergovernmental organization founded by five oil-producing countries: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Venezuela.
Today, it comprises 13 countries: Algeria, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Libya, Nigeria, Republic of Congo and United Arab Emirates.
OPEC's objective is to "coordinate and unify petroleum policies in order to guarantee an efficient, economic and regular supply of this resource to consumers, a stable income for producers and a fair return on capital for those who invest in the oil industry".
74.9% of all existing oil reserves are found in countries that make up OPEC.
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Did you know
​Oil was formerly used to relieve rheumatism, infections and leprosy, in addition to being used to fix bricks and raise walls.