What living beings can you find in this area?

Salgadeira (Halimione portulacoides)
Autochthonous specie distributed along the coastal zones of certain parts of Europe, America and Africa, and with an abundant distribution in the RNLED, and with an interesting fact, it
can be ingested!
This specie with a salty taste can even be a good substitute of salt, for example, in a salad.
It is an evergreen shrub that can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters.
Mourning Beetle
(Blaps lusitanica)

This animal specie can be, like many others, found hidden from everyone, underneath these trunks, which in this case were planted here on purpose to protect against trampling.
This little beetle may look scary, but it's harmless and if you get hold of it, it'll even give you a hand massage.
Lizard of Bocage(Podarcis bocagei)

Species exclusive to the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula.
It can be found in a great diversity of habitats, being easily observed in temperate forests or in rocky places, such as dunes.
It is an animal that usually hibernates between the months of November and February, taking refuge under rocks or roots.
It is a greenish and brownish gecko with a cylinder-like shape.
The male belly acquires a reddish color during the mating season, while the female remains the same color.
Weasel (Mustela nivalis)
Species found in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa.
The species inhabits a wide variety of locations, such as prairies, woods and even dunes.
It is an animal about 23 centimeters long, with an elongated neck and body. It has a very short coat, which can vary between different shades of brown, with the exception of the ventral part, which is white.
However, in places where the climate is colder, the animal changes its coat, becoming completely white, in order to camouflage itself in the snow.
It is a carnivorous species that feeds on small mammals such as rabbits and is considered as the smallest mammal that feeds on meat.

Ant (Formicidae)

Ants are insects that live in society, with several queens in each colony who are responsible for reproduction and who can live up to 18 years, and each ant has a well-defined function within its colony.
Ants communicate with each other through a chemical called a pheromone. As they make their way, they leave behind a trace of that substance, which is perceived through the antennae.
During their daily journey of looking for food, some seeds may be lost during transport, germinating and establishing themselves in new places, making them small helpers for the propagation of native plants in the RNLED.
Another interesting fact is that they can carry objects up to 100 times their own weight.